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Grades and Courses (Undergraduate)

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Grades and Courses #

Equivalent courses #

ANT202 Social InequalitySOC201 Social Inequality
CSE330 Numerical MethodsMAT223 Numerical Analysis I
CSE110 Programming Language IMAT124 Scientific Programming

Departmental Core Courses 45 of 57 credits #

MAT111Principles Of Mathematics33A4
MAT121Basic Algebra3
MAT122Analytic and Vector Geometry3
MAT123Calculus I33A4
CSE110Programming Language I33A4
MAT211Calculus Ii33B+3.3
MAT212Linear Algebra33A+4
MAT221Real Analysis I33A4
MAT222Differential Equations I33B+3.3
CSE330Numerical Methods33A4
MAT311Abstract Algebra33B3
MAT312Numerical Analysis II3
MAT314Complex Analysis33A-3.7
MAT321Real Analysis Ii33A4
MAT322Differential Equations Ii33A4
MAT323Dynamical Systems3
MAT324Graph Theory33A4
MAT325Mathematical Methods33B3
STA201Elements Of Statistics And Probability33A4

Elective Courses 15 of 15 credits #

CSE220Data Structures3
MAT313Differential Geometry3
MAT316Operations Research I33A-3.7
MAT415Finite Element Methods3
MAT416Tensor Calculus3
MAT421Fluid Mechanics3
MAT422Theory Of Numbers33B-2.7
MAT423Mathematical Modeling3
MAT424Operations Research II3
MAT425Advanced Numerical Methods3
PHY112Principles of Physics II3
PHY204Classical Mechanics And Special Theory Of Relativity33B+3.3
PHY205Statistical Mechanics3
PHY303Quantum Mechanics I3
PHY413General Theory of Relativity3
STA301Modern Probability Theory & Stochastic Processes3
CSE230Discrete Mathematics33A4
CSE340Computer Architecture33B+3.3
CSE446Blockchain And Cryptocurrencies33A4
CSE449Parallel, Distributed, And High-Performance Computing (Hpc)33A4
CSE457Randomized Algorithms33B3
MAT301Group Theory33C2
MAT433Functional Analysis33C-1.7
MAT437Galois Theory30F0
MAT439Commutative Algebra33C2

Lab Courses 0 of 4 credits #

MAT250Mathematics Lab I2
MAT350Mathematics Lab II2

General Education 39 of 39 credits #

Writing Comprehension Exactly 2 courses #

ENG101Fundamentals Of English33A4
ENG102English Composition I33A4
ENG103Advanced Writing Skills and Presentation3

Math and Natural Sciences Minimum 2 courses #

BIO101Introduction To Biology33A-3.7
CHE101Introduction to Chemistry3
CSE101Introduction to Computer Science3
ENV103Elements of Environmental Science3
MAT101Fundamentals of Mathematics3
MAT110Mathematics I: Differential Calculus & Coordinate Geometry33A4
PHY101Introduction to Physics3
PHY111Principles Of Physics I33A4
STA101Introduction to Statistics3

Arts and Humanities Minimum 3 courses #

BNG103Bangla Language And Literature33A4
ENG113Introduction to English Poetry3
ENG114Introduction to English Drama3
ENG115Introduction English Prose3
ENG333Globalization and the Media3
HST102The Modern World3
HST103History of Bangladesh3
HST104Global History Lab - A History of World since 13003
HUM101World Civilization & Culture3
HUM102Introduction To Philosophy33B3
HUM103Ethics And Culture33A4

Social Sciences Minimum 2 courses #

ANT101Introduction To Anthropology33B3
ANT342Body and Society3
ANT351Gender & Development3
BUS102Business - Basics, Ethics and Environment3
BUS201Business and Human Communication3
BUS333Social Entrepreneurship Practicum3
ECO101Introduction To Microeconomics33B-2.7
ECO102Introduction to Macroeconomics3
ECO105Fundamentals Of Economics33C2
EMB101Emergence Of Bangladesh33B3
POL101Introduction to Political Science3
POL102Comparative Governance3
POL201Introduction to Civic Engagement3
PSY101Introduction to Psychology3
SOC101Introduction To Sociology33A4
ANT202Inequality And Power33B3

Communities, Seeking Transformation Maximum 1 courses #

CST301For the Love of Food3
CST302The Pursuit of Well Being3
CST303Law for Life, Peace and Justice3
CST304Documentary Film: Theory and Practice3
CST305Borders and Beyond: Past and Future3
CST306Ethical Leadership3
CST307Art, Community And The Future33A-3.7
CST308Social Dimensions of Faith and Development3
CST309Global Citizenship3
CST310Social Cohesion and Peace Building3

CGPA Estimation and Letter Distribution #

Grade Distribution #

Course Frequency #

Semester Grade Correlation #

Estimated CGPA #

If I pick the courses marked with ✅, then CGPA should be: 3.72

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